Senin, 29 April 2013

Tugas Sofstkill Bahasa ingris Bisnis 2

Nama    : Taufik Ikram Jamil
Npm      : 16209069
Kelas     : 4EA 03

1.    You are welcome to order the goods now.”
But payment should be made ( A. For advance)
(Karena "advance" berarti dimuka untuk yang terjadi terlebih dahulu. Jadi for advance berarti dibayar dimuka)

2.    “Where do you live now?”
“I live in Utah ; my (C. parents do, too)
(Karena  do itu berarti melakukan / dilakukan, jadi dengan kata lain subject ditempat tersebut.dikarenakan "parents do,too" disana berartikan disana atau mereka berada disana.)

3.    I cannot understand my neighbor’s accent. I wish she should (A.speak clearer) 
(Sesuai yang diinginkan subject hanya "D" yang cocok , dikarenakan "speak more clearly" berartikan berbicara lebih jelas)

4.    “Why are you driving so fast?”
“I’m (C. in a hungry)
(Karena subject sedang terburu-buru, jadi subject yang cocok adalah m hurry. D "hurrying" tidak ada imbuhan seperti ini pada bahasa inggris)
5.    I have your music CD. I think I (A. also have) your concert video.
    (Karena subject berpikir " Saya pikir saya...video konser anda" dan "also have" mempunyai makna juga    mempunyai"

6.    I hear you have started  a new job. (A. How do you) like it?

7.    I really  have to go now . I have (D. an  appointment with) the doctor.
(janji , karena subject mempuyai janji dengan Dr jadi kata yang tepat adalah menggunakan "with". "B" memiliki kata "an" di awal kalimat yang berartikan "satu". Terlalu bertele-tele dan tidak langsung pada point soalnya menurut saya)

8.    I can meet you at Central Station. Will (C.that be convenient)?
(Dikarenakan  subject hanya bisa bertemu di satu tempat dan "that be convenient" , berartikan " itu membuat nyaman" . Saya rasa jawaban yang paling tepat adalah "C")

9.    I don’t have any  results for you today. I (D.may have some) tomorrow.
(Karena biasanya some digunakan pada kalimat positive. "Some" adalah lawan kata dari "any" beberapa , berarti kalimat diatas subject tidak menemukan apa-apa)
10.I would rather (A. have) a quiet cup of coffee in the office than sit in a noisy café.
  (Have untuk ditempatkan pada makanan  atau minuman bisa merubah arti menjadi berarti "minuman" yang mejadikan "saya lebih baik meminum secangkir kopi dikantor yang tenang dari pada saya meminumnya di cafe yang berisik)
11.”Where (D. did you go) last weekend?”
     “I went to see my aunt and uncle.”
("weekend " berarti menunjukkan past tense,karena jawaban D menggunakan did (bentuk lampau) yang harus  sudah terjadi)
12.I was very surprised (D.to hear) that she didn’t pass the exam.”
(Karena dalam kalimat tersebut menggunakan "was" (bentuk lampau) jadi kata selanjutnya adalah "hear" (bentuk pertama) yang harus digunakan untuk melengkapi kalimat tersebut)
13.” Why (C.do you  think) she isn’t speaking to us?”
     “We must have done something that upset her. She is just too sensitive.”
(Karena kalimat tanya dan "do You" dipakai untuk kalimat tanya pada umumnya)
14.I hope that this winter won’t be (A. as cold as) last.”
(Karena ada kata "last" (lampau) dan as (seperti), jika digabung berarti "cuaca sekarang tidak sedingin cuaca yang lalu)
15.Sorry to be late. I was delayed by (B.heavy traffic).”
(Karena kata "heavy" sudah menjelaskan apa yang dimaksud "Heavy traffic" berarti jalur yang padat atau lalu lintas padat)

16.The sky is getting dark, It (B.looks like) rain is on its way.
(Karena dalam satuan benda maka menggunakan "look like" )

17.Would you do me a small favour? I (D.would appreciate it) very much.
(menghargai,karena ditanya menggunakan "would" maka dijawab dengan jawaban would)

18.I am familiar with that product.I don’t know (A.how many) times I’ve seen it advertised on TV.
karena seberapa banyak iklan yang muncul bisa dihitung)
19.”When (B.will we) leaving for Toronto,Canada?”
    “We are planning to set out at 10 o’clock.”

20.I asked Robert when he could fix my leaking tap. He said that he would come round and fix it (D.as soon as possible)

21.”Do you know  ( C. how old) that building is?”
     “I would say that it was built at least 100 years ago.”
(Karena menanyakan usia pada benda atau sesuatu)

22.The man told us that the next train would arrive (A.at three thirty)
 (Karena menunjukkan waktu)

23.”How (A.large) a crown had gathered at the scene of the accident?”
      “ I don’t know exactly,but there were a lot of shocked onlookers.”
   (Karena menanyakan tentang beberapa banyak atau umlah)
24.That is the city (C.with the)
(yang dimaksud adalah letak atau tempat)

25.”Where should I put this key?”
    “You can (D.put) it on the shelf.”
(Karena belum terjadi dan akan terjadi)

26.Write a book is truly a process, and one that is impossible to complete without considerable assistance from manyothers.

27.The first section of this book will probably be most help to you right now.
28.My slow and steady approach to the challenge of sleep focus on using this challenge as an opportunity to help you and your baby.
29.Other parents might wanted to incorporate other calming rituals, such as singing a lullaby, saying prayers, or telling a story.
30.If you wait to return until a child is crying or calling for you, you are sending them the very clear message that these calls and cries will lead your return, and thereby motivating these behaviors.
31.Just knowing that I would returned was enough to let him stay quietly in his bed.
32.Whwn children awake at night,as they all will at some point, you face an additional challenge: Getting your child back to sleep when you are probably mostly asleep yourself.
33.It seems to me that my previous position have afforded me just the experience needed to enable me to do the work required in your office to your satisfaction.
34.This feeding should be done quick and quietly so that you don’t provide unnecessary stimulation and excitement.
35.I have been told by Mr.John L. Peterson, manager of the Credit, The Business Book Publishing Company, New York, with whom I believed you acquainted that you are expecting to making some additions to you accounting staff in January 2013.
36.I shall  be in Rio de Janeiro in January, I hope that you will given me an interview at sometime convenient to you during that month.
37.Thank you very much for calling to my attention he possible vacancies in the Accounting Department at the Brazilian branch of the Internasional Business Book Company on Rio de Janeiro.
38.In the school year of 206-2007, I take two courses with you, “Accounting Problems” and “Cost Accounting “ at Bronx Community College in the Evening Section.
39.I am great interested in the position as you outlined it to me.
40.You may not relishing continually buying pacifiers or having multiple backup pacifiers with you at all time.

Jumat, 26 April 2013


Price IDR  55.000

 Price IDR 85.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 60.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 55.000
Colour : Black,Red,Soft Brown, Grey

Price IDR 90.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 60.000

Price IDR 65.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 55.000

Price IDR 50.000

(Ukuran 36-40)

CONTACT PERSON : TIJE  085282584506
(Belum Termasuk ONGKIR ya..)


Price IDR 40.000

Price IDR 40.000

Colour : Black, Brown

Price IDR 40.000

Price IDR 40.000
 Colour : Black,Brown,Cream

Price IDR 40.000
Colour: Cream, Brown

Price IDR 40.000
Colour : Black, Soft Brown, Black 

Price IDR 40.000
 Colour : Black, Soft Brown

Price IDR 40.000

(Ukuran 36-40)

CONTACT PERSON : TIJE  085282584506
(Belum Termasuk ONGKIR ya..)